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Post-traumatic stress disorders can arise when natural self-regulation of a person has no chance to adequately process the experience. Constant uncertainty leads to chronic overloading of the stress axis, resulting in hypersensitivity and various symptoms.

These may include:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Tendency towards hyperactivity, hypersensitivity
  • Impaired concentration (Reduced storage capacity of information)
  • Forgetfulness (Holistic storage of experience no longer functions, memories fade over time)
  • Emotional hypersensitivity, such as crying spells, fear of emotional dependence, etc.
  • Heightened startle responses, nervousness, anxiety, panic
  • (Negative coloring of thinking and increased perception of danger)
  • Depression (Positive experiences or things are ignored)
  • Frequent drifting, difficulty with attachment, feeling of unreachability
  • (Stress memories cause the mind to wander and make the person frequently untouchable)
  • Feeling of untouchability & fear of vulnerability (Fear of attachment and touch)
  • Obsession with control or loss of control; compulsive or addictive behavior
  • Fatigue, exhaustion (Long-term activation of survival instincts consumes enormous energy)
  • Immobility of the musculoskeletal system (Stiffening reactions inhibit vitality)
  • Vegetative complaints (Indefinable pain, breathing difficulties, palpitations, dizziness, digestive problems, etc.)