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SE helps to transition out of a phase where survival instincts have dominated, to make memories of experiences integrable and to allow people to feel more joy in life again. SE work supports individuals in reconnecting with themselves and others, becoming more socially outgoing and communicative.

Generally, SE promotes the ability to arrive more fully in the present moment and regain healthy orientation. It is emphasized that each person has a unique, individual way of dealing with stressful experiences in threatening situations.

During an SE session, a foundation of familiarity, resource availability, and stability is first established. Once a certain level of safety is ensured, the remaining activation potential stored in the stress memory, the unfinished protective reactions, are gently and consciously touched. This provides the whole being of the individual with a new opportunity to express the held survival energy in a healthy, integrative and sustainable way.

The capacity of bodily intelligence is used to successfully reactivate and complete the stored survival responses. It involves active work with the phases of stress: a) flight, b) distraction, c) fight, and d) freeze, the tonic immobility reflex. The focus is on working towards restoring healthy protective response, in order to release the trauma as an condition from the nervous system of the individual.

SE establishes a foundation of trust, deep connection, and strengthens self-confidence. The method assists individuals in regaining their dignity after experiencing humiliation and insult. It is a method strongly focused on empowerment.

Possible questions may include:

"What would help me develop the readiness to face the challenge?"

"What would support me to cope better with overwhelm and the excessive demands?"

"What do I need to ensure that overwhelm becomes a challenge, or that the challenge remains a challenge?"

"How do I maintain my intuitive sense and connection to my instinctive impulses in stressful situations?"

For questions about the treatment process, I am available to assist.