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For many years, I was captivated by the fascination for art, philosophy, and history, from Europe through the Orient to the Far East. I was particularly interested in what it means to be human and to be alive. I wanted to understand more about the power and the factors that lead to the phenomenon of healing, and thus, I approached the medical concepts of various cultures.

In 2007, I seized the opportunity, changed my career path, and began studying Shiatsu therapy, the art of healing touch, at the International Academy for Hara-Shiatsu in Vienna.

During the training, the focus was on the study of various nutritional and movement teachings (macrobiotic, five-element nutrition, acid-base balance, fasting techniques, yoga, tai chi, chi gong, kung fu), as well as the extended study in the field of traditional European herbal medicine (TEN).

Integral components of the training included numerous treatments and targeted internships in institutions and hospitals. The goal was to connect Western medicine with European complementary medicine and Far Eastern medicine. To this day, I am enthusiastic about interdisciplinary collaboration and therefore maintain an efficient network with psychiatrists, specialists, naturopaths, TCM practitioners, osteopaths, etc.

Another focus was on building understanding and training perceptual processes, promoting mindfulness, and developing inner reliable awareness. Particularly important was the perception of the invisible existence and power of energy in and around the human body and the work with the effects of resonance principles.

In 2013, I began an in-depth study of human-experienced states of consciousness and their impact on the phenomenon of healing.

How can we change states of consciousness with confidence?

How does a person's consciousness affect stress processing and trauma healing?

In 2014, I started studying the trauma therapy method of Somatic Experiencing.

This opened up a vast world for me in the field of psychoneuroimmunology. To this day, I am fascinated by trauma-sensitive work with people and focus my efforts on supporting people in and after traumatic situations.

My work includes supporting people after or during separation experiences, such as the loss of a loved one due to death, or after an assault, abuse, or dealing with developmental trauma involving the loss of childhood or the experience of abandonment.

Another aspect of my work began in 2018 with an interest in peace promotion through conflict counseling/mediation. Teaching and training peace-promoting communication and providing support to people in crisis situations is of great importance to me.

In 2023, I decided to elevate my perception to another level and have since been studying Psychic Senses and Mediumship at one of the oldest scientifically-oriented schools in this field in London. With this, I am bridging the gap between my fascination with science and my deeply rooted spirituality, which has been a significant part of me since childhood.

From 2023 to 2024, I developed the BIRD TALK approach from all the insights of my life experience and professional work. Since then, I have specialized in these four basic areas of BIRD TALK:

Consciousness Research, Intimacy and Integrity Building, Resilience and Resonance Development, and the exploration of Humor as Magic in the social realm.

The integration of spirituality plays an essential role in this. Since then, I have been passing on my knowledge and experience in BIRD TALK workshops, at the BIRD TALK Gathering, in therapeutic settings, and soon in a book, to interested individuals.

Education (excerpt)

Training Somatic Experiencing Traumatherapy, Center for inner ecology Zurich, Weggis, USA

Training as a mediator in non-violent solution-focused communication, Instituto M. Ronzani, Basel

Training as a Shiatsu Therapist, International Academy for Hara Shiatsu, Vienna

Additional training as a mediator in non-violent communication, Dr. Rolf Bändle Zurich

Additional training in basic medical studies, Bodyfeet, Rapperswil

Studies in general history, East Asian art history, classical archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zurich

Further Trainings

2024 Specialized Training in SE for Near-Death, Coma, and Anesthesia Experiences, Dr. P.A. Levine, Weggis
2024 Seminar: The Interplay of Epigenetics and Genetics, Dr. Isabelle Mansuy, Zurich
2014- till today Supervisions SE: bei Dr. Peter Levine, Urs Honauer
2015- till today Supervisions Shiatsu: Peter Itin, Micheline Pfister, Doris Spörri, Gabriele Schweizer
2024 Seminar: Work on Diaphragms and Their Connections, Miriam Schlachter, Zurich
2024 Conference: Chronic Inflammations, Dr. Simon Feldhaus et al.
2023 NICABM Training: Trauma-Sensitive Treatment of Attachment Trauma, Dr. Richard Schwartz et al.
2023 NICABM Training: Trauma-Sensitive Solutions for Shame and Guilt, Bessel van der Kolk et al.
2022 Conference on Trauma and Addiction Management, Dr. Gabor Maté & Dr. Peter A. Levine, Zurich
2020 Seminar Humor and laughter in therapy, Dr. M. & H. Schröder
2020 Training: Nonviolent Solution-Focused Communication, Marco Ronzani
2019 Seminar SE: Traumatized children in school, Dr. Ayelet De Picciotto, Zurich
2019 Training: Special Meridians, Micheline Pfister
2017 Training: GFK in depth seminar group processes, Dr. R. Bänteli
2016 Seminar SE: First aid for traumatized children, Dr. Ayelet De Picciotto
2016 Butoh – Noguchitaiso, Alexander Technique , Imre Thormann
2015 Seminar SE: Aggression, Depression and Aliveness, Dr. Peter A. Levin
2015 Seminar SE: Chronic Pain, Dr. Norman Farb, Dr. Maggie Phillips
2015 Seminar SE: Life Work of Wilhelm Reich, Dr. Thomas Harms
2015 Advanced training Shiatsu Diagnostics, Wilfried Rappenecker
2013 Advanced training Shiatsu in traumatic stress, Meike Kockrick.
2013 Training: Shiatsu beyond - Quantum Shiatsu according to Pauline Sasaki, G.Polli
2012 Training: Refresher on stretching, rotation & position changes.
2012 Training: Joint work, L. Hanschin
2011 Baby massage course instructor IAIM, Swiss Association for Baby Massage
2010 Pediatric acupuncture, aceki e.V., Thomas Wernike