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What you can expect

In BIRD Talk, you are free to choose which technique you would like to start with, to connect with your inner wisdom and to support the development of your inner peace and vitality. Primarily, it's about experiencing something new, focusing on what is essential for you right now, and your associated experiences.

Some techniques within BIRD Talk include:

We take time to work with presentiment, psychic senses, and intuition. This means that with the help of my trained intuition and psychic senses, I give you the opportunity to connect in high resonance with you, to empathize with your field, and to explore answers to your questions and subconscious needs together. It is important to me to help you become aware of your own intuitive abilities & pressentiments, so that you can consciously use them, even in decision-making situations. We decode the intuitively grasped information or insights together in conversation and use the insights, the findings for further development.

I place particular emphasis on addressing your spiritual levels of consciousness and incorporating the realm of possibilities and probabilities of your being into your development.

Recognizing readiness, as the quality of feeling ready and utilizing the associated emergence of curiosity:

We consciously take time to create an understanding together of what it means for you to be prepared for the next challenge in full awareness. Readiness development thus means first activating essential resources, being allowed to place oneself in various positions first, to give time adopting perspectives, being allowed to orient oneself, in order to then use embodied curiosity, to start an implementation of concrete action.

Valuing of nonverbal body language:

Valuing nonverbal body language: It is important for me to observe you carefully in yourn naturale posture precisely, to identify and highlight relevant information in your nonverbal body language concerning your concerns. This could include emotions anchored in the body, blockages in tissues and joints, micro-movements, residual shock tension, and more.

Embodiment: We take time to consciously work with movement, posture, and breathing

We use posture, gestures, and facial expressions as states of movement to generate resources, move emotions, and express or influence thoughts. Movement is especially central when addressing states of being stuck. Breathing, as the fundamental basis of movement, is explored dynamically and specifically utilized in breathing exercises to provide support.

Empathic listening (EL) means for me to hear unfulfilled needs in your narratives and to invite you to test whether these needs feel true to you or if you are ready to bring this part of the unconscious into consciousness and hold space for it. When applied to oneself, EL serves to recognize values and resources, as well as to develop self-love and self-care.

Permition to rest: What do you think about boredom? Do you still have this ability?

Together, we dedicate ourselves to the bench energy, the "doing in non-doing" as mentioned in Daoism, the practice of long-waiting, boredom. Benches are official places where a person should do nothing but stay, wait, and be. Therein lies a source of inner wisdom. I am happy to show you how we can consciously utilize your perception in boredom, long-waiting and how this promotes your resilience.

Dealing with trauma: Trauma blocks because it keeps us occupied and thus prevents us from moving forward. This is how we develop greed to old experiences, resentment. In BIRD Talk, we consciously focus on increasing healthy engagement and strengthening the healthy parts of your being. We create stability and then gently confront the injuries in an integrative manner. We pay attention to the development of curiosity, which indicates that the body-mind is recovering from the shock and that you are returning to your vitality.

Meaning, Expectation, and Permission: Especially in conflict situations, whether with yourself or others, it is essential to clarify meanings before the conversation. It is also important to realistically adjust expectations and to grant yourself certain permissions.

Touch, NVC & Magic: Another important area in BIRD Talk is touch. It is one of the basic forms of communication, along with sounds. We explore and utilize a healthy, beneficial quality of touch. If necessary, we work with and on your body with direct physical and subtle energetic touch, as well as with touch through words. In conversation, we respect the significance of words as carriers of information and therefore of power. This also allows us to use words in a magical aspect and demonstrates the necessity of nonviolent communication.

Sound & Vibration as a sound event: I am a big fan of the effect of vibration. Vibration or sound techniques can often help to enable the first deactivations during periods of prolonged stress and thus allow peace to enter the body and to slow down. Intuition and creativity can be set in motion, brought to flow and healing can take place. In our conversation, singing, humming, toning, whistling, rattling, flutes, drums, clapping, shaking, trembling, etc., are part of the collection.

I cultivate the principle of gratitude and humility as a principle of healing in the practice space. Thus, a ritual of gratitude always flows into BIRD Talk. Borrowed from Japanese tradition, we work with the principle of Kansha = feeling gratitude and Arigatou = living gratitude.

Likewise, the principle of mindful acceptance also applies, as a principal of accepting primary emotions and initial evaluations, assessments and not to judge or act immediately. This means we focus on extending the immediate stimulus-response and waiting for the second evaluation to motivate action.

Listen to the invisible beings in the spiritworld

Since I have been accompanied by spirit beings since childhood, I greatly value and respect information from human souls or beings in the spirit world (Beings in the Spirit World). So far, I have been able to include helpful information’s about resolving blockages of my clients or to ask important questions about the recovery process in Shiatsu or SE sessions. In BIRD Talk, I am happy to listen if you wish, to what messages are specifically addressed to you in order to understand and implement your life plan or increase relief in your field.

Questions to clarify your concerns? Feel free to browse under the "Topics" section for inspiration.

For further questions, I am also available by phone or email.